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您當(dāng)前所在的位置: 一覽> 公司簡(jiǎn)介 > 愛德覓爾(深圳)科技有..公司簡(jiǎn)介
法國歐貝特卡系統(tǒng)公司是一間從事高科技移動(dòng)通信、電子商務(wù)、安全交易及卡片管理的全球性的智能卡專業(yè)開發(fā)公司。作為領(lǐng)先的銀行卡供應(yīng)商之一和多用途卡領(lǐng)域的先鋒(電子商務(wù)、銀行和電信卡),歐貝特卡系統(tǒng)通過國際化的策略和本地化的運(yùn)營,已成為智能卡領(lǐng)域的技術(shù)領(lǐng)先者和市場(chǎng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。目前全世界范圍內(nèi),我們擁有超過6000名員工,包括600 R&D,50個(gè)銷售代表處和10個(gè)工廠,客戶遍及140個(gè)國家。
深圳歐貝特卡系統(tǒng)科技有限公司(簡(jiǎn)稱:深圳歐貝特)成立于2001年4月,位于深圳市南山高新技術(shù)園區(qū),注冊(cè)資金1000萬美元,是法國歐貝特卡系統(tǒng)公司在中國設(shè)立的首間合資公司,是法國歐貝特卡系統(tǒng)在亞太區(qū)唯一的個(gè)人化生產(chǎn)基地,專業(yè)從事智能卡的開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售和服務(wù)。13年來,深圳歐貝特已建成GSM 電信智能卡、IC 封裝、銀行卡三個(gè)制造車間,員工750余人, 客戶遍及全球,致力于建設(shè)成為全球智能卡領(lǐng)域的頂級(jí)制造中心。
Oberthur Card Systems Science and Technologies Co. Ltd.(hereafter as ‘OT Shenzhen’)is a world leader in digital security solutions for the mobility space. OT has always been at the heart of mobility, from the first smart cards to the la**** contactless payment technologies which equip millions of smart phones. Present in the Payment, Telecommunications and Identity markets, OT offers end-to-end solutions in the Smart Transactions, Mobile Financial Services, Machine-to-Machine, Digital Identity and Transport & Access Control fields. OT employs over 6,000 employees worldwide, including 600 R&D people. With more than 50 sales offices across 5 continents and 10 facilities, OT’s international network serves clients in 140 countries.
Oberthur Card Systems Science and Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.(hereafter as ‘OT Shenzhen’)is the first joint venture of OT Technologies S.A., a French high-tech magnate, established in Shenzhen in April 2001.The registered capital is $10,000,000. OT Shenzhen is located in the Hi-Tech Industrial Park of Shenzhen City in Guangdong province. It is the first factory of OT Technologies in the Asia-Pacific region, specialized in manufacturing of Telecom, Payment and Identity products, providing development, production, sales and service of smart card. Through 13 years, OT Shenzhen has 750 employees, patrons around the world. OT Shenzhen has developed itself to be Manufacturing Centre of Excellence in the Group.

  • 所在地區(qū):廣東-深圳市-南山區(qū)
  • 地址:深圳市南山區(qū)科技園長(zhǎng)城科技大廈3#4層
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