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您當(dāng)前所在的位置: 一覽> 公司簡介 > 深圳市兆業(yè)電子科技有限..公司簡介

     深圳市兆業(yè)電子科技有限公司是一家生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營汽車電子連接器、汽車線束、數(shù)據(jù)/訊號線、安防監(jiān)控用線及模具制造的專業(yè)企業(yè)。  公司擁有一批專業(yè)從事汽車接插件(汽車連接器)開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、管理的優(yōu)秀人才,專業(yè)開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售汽車音響插座、汽車線束(汽車音響線束、汽車儀表線束、倒車?yán)走_(dá)線束、車載DVD、導(dǎo)航等專車專用線束)和數(shù)據(jù)/訊號線(電腦及周邊設(shè)備用連接線、多媒體數(shù)碼線、家電產(chǎn)品用線、光纖線纜)。具有汽車接插件全程制造能力,包括精密塑膠模具、精密塑膠成型、精密五金沖壓、電線電纜生產(chǎn)、接插件加工和線束生產(chǎn)。公司產(chǎn)品已廣泛應(yīng)用于汽車音響、汽車空調(diào)、汽車防盜器、GPS導(dǎo)航、汽車天窗、倒車?yán)走_(dá)、電動門窗、汽車儀表等汽車電子行業(yè)及家居數(shù)碼產(chǎn)品和安防設(shè)備產(chǎn)品。

    Shenzhen Zhaoye Electronic Technology Co., Ltd is a manufacturing enterprise specializing in production and operation of automotive electronic connectors, wire harness, data/single line, security monitoring line and mold manufacturing.
    The company possesses a group of professionals who engaged in automotive connectors (automotive connector) the development, production and management; professional development, production and sale of automotive audio jack. Automotive wire harness (car audio wiring harness, car dashboard wiring harness, parking sensor wiring harness, vehicle DVD, navigation etc for special wiring harness) and data/single line (computer and peripheral equipment caber, multimedia digital line, home appliance product cable). Our company also has the capability to produce all the range of plug components for automobile, including precision plastic molds, metal molds, precision plastic molding, precision metal stamping, wire and cable production, processing and wiring harness connector production. Our products have been widely used in car audio, car air conditioning, car alarm, GPS navigation, car sunroof, parking sensor, electric windows, car dashboard and other automotive electronics industries, home digital and security equipment line.
    Since it's establishment, our company has been widely accepted by purchasers and customers. Our products got QS certificate and passed all the environmental tests.
   "Market oriented, customer oriented " is our core operating idea. We constantly provide high quality product with competitive price.
    As a professional electronic product solution, we can be your supplier, partner and customer.

  • 公司規(guī)模:100 - 499人
  • 公司性質(zhì):私營企業(yè)
  • 所屬行業(yè):機(jī)電、機(jī)械制造、模具、汽車、汽配、船舶、廚具等
  • 所在地區(qū):廣東-深圳市-龍崗區(qū)
  • 地址:深圳市龍崗區(qū)南灣街道上李朗社區(qū)科技園3棟3樓B區(qū)
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