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高級通路經(jīng)理(Shopper Engage..
  • 學(xué)歷要求: 本科及以上
  • 工作經(jīng)驗(yàn): 5-7 年
  • 更新時間: 2019-07-31
  • 招聘人數(shù): 1
  • 招聘對象: 社會人才
  • 工作地區(qū): 廣東-廣州市
黎先生 HR 三個月前活躍
Key Responsibilities / Core Responsibilities Innovation Activation Activities: 1. Understand product positioning from Brand team then translate into a product strategy for trade and develop the Go to Market Plan, including channel price, margin, distribution scope, assortment, merchandising, promotion, etc. Involve the channel planning team to align the differentiated channel strategy 2. Trade innovation budget planning, internal sell in story / external sell in holistic materials preparation 3. Internal/external engagement or launch event for New Product 4. Based on go to market strategy, develop the trade activities in different channels 5. Post launch 12 months, monthly 360 degree evaluation and monthly update to top management Daily Activation Activities: 1. Annual plan and quarterly plan -Initiate the annual/quarterly plan based on the shopper understanding and category knowledge -with annual/quarterly budget proposal and post evaluation to improve investment efficiency 2. Synergize the on-going resources in a more efficiency way in terms of investment and execution 3. Monthly/ quarterly review of each activity Brand Loyalty Program: Leverage innovative and DTC approach to a) integrate brand in-store activities, from NUA to retention, extension b) all year around national campaign on the platform c) by region and key customer campaign, CRM cooperation Recommended Behavioral Success Factors Learning agility. Open to learn new trends Good critical thinking and analytical thinking Good business acumen Creativity Hands-on, fine with dealing with details Good team spirit with good coordination skills Passionate while patient in building foundation from scratch Knowledge, Skills & Abilities 3-5 years of FMCG industry experience Sales experience/product management or trainee background is preferable Program design and implementation experience/knowledge Good mastery of PPT and English is mustEducation University Graduate C business major preferred


  • 你可能感興趣的職位
  • 最近瀏覽記錄
  • 所屬行業(yè):食品、酒業(yè)、飲料、茶業(yè)、乳業(yè)、鹽業(yè)等
  • 所在地區(qū):廣東-肇慶市
  • 聯(lián)系人:黎先生
  • 手機(jī):
  • 郵箱:會員登錄后才可查看
  • 郵政編碼:526040
  • 地址:肇慶市
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