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  • 學(xué)歷要求: 本科及以上
  • 工作經(jīng)驗(yàn): 5-7 年
  • 更新時(shí)間: 2019-07-31
  • 招聘人數(shù): 1
  • 招聘對(duì)象: 社會(huì)人才
  • 工作地區(qū): 廣東-廣州市
黎先生 HR 三個(gè)月前活躍
Mobile Application Development Manager ( 手機(jī)應(yīng)用開發(fā)經(jīng)理)(Fluent in speaking English)This position will support the key IT projects taking the business analyst and IT project manager role, from project initialization till project closure. Partner with business functions to support business process redesign as well as optimization, contribute value input and support the project objective achievement. - Support internal business team and external business partner to prioritize requirement according to business objective with program manager. - Convert business process requirement into technical requirement, author requirement specification, contribute valuable input with IT best practice and mobile application development, review and update with business SME (subject matter expert), business partner’s technical team, other market IT team and IT Program Manager. - Support and coordinate design specification, test plan defining process with 3rd party technical team, internal IT team and external business partner’s technical team, according to business requirement and RB IT SDLC governance and best practice - Lead user acceptance testing process, working with business tester and market/regional/global test controller, ensure testing plan is executed within timeline, ensuring defect management, test summary and correction plan define and execute within timeline - Review function realization after live, linking wit business objective and propose improvement action, with internal business team and external business partner. - Lead the project documentation process, ensure documentation quality according to RB SDLC standard - Support project communication plan execution, partnering with business team, external technical team and IT PM ensuring communication clarity and consistence. - Support project plan execution monitoring, partnering with business team, 3rd party technical team, external business partner’s technical team and IT program manager ensuring project execution within timeline/budget and deliverable achieving milestone - Maintains advanced China mobile platform development and integration best practice and technic, through proactive learning through reading, forum and workshop attendance. - Maintains update FMCG b2b process understanding through proactive attendance of internal business meeting and engagement of cross function team discussion. - Maintains updated knowledge of the project management skill, including RB specific IT project management and SDLC process, as well as RB business enhancement management process, through proactive learning. - Maintains of best practice of IT projects and business transition support know how from the industry and market, through active reading and communication. This position also supports market/regional/global IT portfolio running well in China. (20%) Knowledge, Skills & Abilities 3 -5 years’ experience on mobile application development project, at least 1 year experience as product manager role. 2 - 3 successful case on mobile application achieving business objective. Demonstrated ability in b2b process implementation and redesign.Demonstrated ability in requirement alignment with prioritization according to business objective. Demonstrated ability of technical design and solution proposal according to business scenario and objective. Proven ability of word, excel, PowerPoint and video utilization Experience with WeChat platform integration is preferred.Experience with machine learning solution implementation is preferred.Experience with project management is preferred. Education College certificate/BS degree in an IT technical field or business process, Understanding of standard SDLC processes to design, build, test, and implement applications. Understanding of consumer products industries is beneficial. Understanding of ecommerce b2b trade promotion campaign and digital integration is a plus. 3+ years project support experience with demonstrated success delivering projects deliverables on time and on budget. A good written and oral English communication skill is a plus Good knowledge on the sales related application such as product listing, inventory integration, order automation, delivery arrangement, invoice collection, promotion planning and redemption.


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  • 所屬行業(yè):食品、酒業(yè)、飲料、茶業(yè)、乳業(yè)、鹽業(yè)等
  • 所在地區(qū):廣東-肇慶市
  • 聯(lián)系人:黎先生
  • 手機(jī):
  • 郵箱:會(huì)員登錄后才可查看
  • 郵政編碼:526040
  • 地址:肇慶市
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